Use of Articles A/AN/THE in Sentences in Hindi with Examples | Article in English Grammar in Hindi


A, An तथा The को Articles कहा जाता है । A तथा An को Indefinite Articles, जबकि The को Definite Article कहा जाता है। Articles (A, An तथा The) एक तरह के determiners है, जिनका प्रयोग Noun के पहले या Noun के लिए होता है।
Determiners वे हैं, जो यह निश्चित करते हैं कि इनके बाद कोई Noun का प्रयोग किया जा रहा है।
  • He is a boy.
  • He is a very intelligent boy.
  • She is an intelligent girl. This is an apple.
  • This is the strongest horse.

Pronunciation of Indefinite and Definite Articles:
Articles का दो रूपों में उच्चारण (Pronunciation) किया जाता है। ये दो रूप (forms) हैं- Weak form तथा Strong form. नीचे लिखे CHART पर ध्यान दें-

Articles Weak forms Strong forms
an अन ऐन
the द, दि दी

सामान्यतः Spoken English में का a उच्चारण अ, an का उच्चारण 'अन' तथा the का उच्चारण 'द, दि' किया जाता है, हालाँकि जब Consonant Sound के पहले 'the' आता है, तो उसका उच्चारण 'द' तथा Vowel Sound के पहले 'दि' किया जाता है।

Kinds Of Articles In Hindi

Articles दो प्रकार के होते है :-
  1. Indefinite Articles : A, An
  2. Definite Article   : The

Indefinite Articles

A या An का प्रयोग किसी Noun के Position को Indefinite या Uncertain (अनिश्चित ) बनाने के लिए किया जाता है। इनका प्रयोग Indefinite Singular Countable Noun के पहले किया जाता है।
Ex -
  • She sang a song.
  • I have a pen.
  • There was a king.
  • I saw an old man.
  • Jaya is a girl.
  • The police have caught a thief.
  • An MLA died in an accident.
  • This is an inkpot.

Definite Article

The का प्रयोग Noun को Definite (निश्चित) बनाने के लिए किया जाता है। इसका प्रयोग Singular Countable Noun, Plural Countable Noun तथा Uncountable Noun - सभी के पहले किया जाता है, जब वह Noun निश्चित (Definite) हो।
Ex -
  • Babita bought a sari. The sari was very costly.
  • This is the pen which I have bought.
  • The water of this well is sweet.
  • She found a bag. The bag contained a coin.
  • The coin was made of silver.
  • The flat in which they live is new.
  • The water of the Ganga is being polluted.
  • The boys of this class are diligent.
  • This is the house where Neeraj lives.
  • The boy in green dress is my son.
  • This is the bike which Anish has bought.
  • The gold of America is costly.

Uses of Indefinite Article A and An in Hindi

1. A/An का प्रयोग Singular Countable Noun (SCN) के पहले होता है यदि उस Noun से किसी अनिश्चित व्यक्ति, जानवर या वस्तु का बोध होता है।
Ex -
  • There is a girl in the class.
  • It is an apple.
  • She is a doctor.
  • I have a car.
  • You have an umbrella.
  • She is a student.
  • It is a bench.
  • He is an Indian.

2. यदि Singular Countable Noun के पहले कोई Adjective या Adverb + Adjective का प्रयोग हुआ हो, तो Article का प्रयोग उस Adjective अथवा Adverb के पहले किया जाता है।
Indefinite Article A and An
नोट: 'A' का प्रयोग उस शब्द के पहले किया जाता है, जिसका उच्चारण Consonant से शुरू होता हो, जबकि 'An' का प्रयोग उस शब्द के पहले किया जाता है, जिसका उच्चारण Vowel (स्वर) से शुरू होता है।
Ex -
  • It is a book. (बुक)
  • This is a pen. (पेन)
  • He is an Indian. (इंडियन)
  • This is an umbrella. (अम्ब्रेला)
  • It is a unit of measurement. (यूनिट)
  • He is reading an Urdu poem. (उर्दू)
  • Amitabh is a hero. (हीरो)
  • The train is an hour late. (ऑवर)
  • It is a ewe. (यू)
  • He is an expert. (एक्सपर्ट)
  • I met a European. (यूरोपियन)
  • He is an employee. (इमप्लौई )
  • He reads in a university. (यूनिवर्सिटी)
  • He is an umpire. (अम्पायर)
  • It is a useless pen. (यूसलेस)
  • He is an unfit man. (अनफिट )
  • He has booked a one-way ticket. ( वन-वे )
  • That is an ox. (ऑक्स)
  • It is a one-rupee note. (वन रुपी )
  • He is an orator. (औरेटर)
  • He lives in a hostel. (हॉस्टल)
  • He is an honest man. (ऑनेस्ट)
  • He is a Hindu. (हिन्दू)
  • He is an honourable man. (ऑनरेब्ल )
  • This is a horse. (हॉर्स)
  • He is an heir. (ऐर)
  • She is an heiress. (ऐरेस)

3. 'A / An' का प्रयोग संक्षिप्त शब्दों (Abbreviations) के पहले भी किया जाता है।
  • He is a B. A. but his brother is an M. A.
  • He is an I. A. S. and his wife is a P. O.

इसी तरह

a D. M., a B. D. O., an M. B. B. S., an S. P., an S. D. O., an L. P. School, an F. I. R., an X-ray etc का प्रयोग होता है।
Ex -
  • I have a X-ray machine.   (✖)
  • He is a S. D. O.   (✖)
  • He lodged a F. I. R.   (✖)
  • Dharmendra is a NCC Officer.   (✖)

4. Profession (व्यवसाय) के पहले 'A/An' का प्रयोग किया जाता है।
Ex -
  • He is an S. D. O.   (✔)
  • She is a nurse.   (✔)
  • He is a carpenter.   (✔)
  • Mr. Sinha is an engineer.   (✔)

5. एक (one) के अर्थ में 'A/An' का प्रयोग किया जाता है।
Ex -
  • The cow has a tail.   (✖)
  • Man has a head.   (✖)
  • Every state has a chief minister.   (✖)

6. प्रत्येक (Each/Every) अथवा प्रति (per) के अर्थ में 'A/An' का प्रयोग किया जाता है।
Ex -
  • She can run ten kilometers an hour.
  • He earns Rs. ten thousand a month.
  • They went there once a month.
  • Rice sells fifty rupees a kilo.

7. कोई (Any/Some/A certain) के अर्थ में 'A/An' का प्रयोग किया जाता है।
Ex -
  • A Mr. Sharma wants to meet the principal.
  • He did not give me a novel.

8. जाति बताने (class representation) के लिए भी 'A/An' का प्रयोग किया जाता है।
Ex -
  • An elephant is a huge animal.
  • A peacock is a bird.
  • A dog is a faithful animal.

9. Exclamatory Sentences में What/How के बाद Singular Countable Noun के पहले 'A/An' का प्रयोग किया जाता है।
Ex -
  • What a grand building !
  • What a pretty doll !
  • How fine a night !
  • How tall an actor !

10. जब वाक्य में Verb का प्रयोग Noun के रूप में किया जाता है, तो उसके पहले 'A/An' का प्रयोग किया जाता है।
Ex -
  • She went for a walk daily.
  • We want to have a bath / a drink / a rest.
  • The queen has gone for a ride.
  • I had a long talk with Suman yesterday.

11. किसी विशिष्ट व्यक्ति की विशेषताओं के सम्बन्ध में जब किसी अन्य व्यक्ति की तुलना की जाती है, तो उस व्यक्ति के पहले 'A/An' का प्रयोग किया जाता है।
Ex -
  • He is a Gandhi.
  • She is a Luxmi Bai.
  • He is a Hitler.
  • She is a Lata Mangeshkar.

12. निम्नलिखित Phrases में 'A/An' का प्रयोग किया जाता है-
  • (a) In a hurry/rage/mood/temper/dilemma/fix/nutshell
  • (b) go for a walk, go into a comma, go on a journey.
  • (c) Make a change, make a fun of, make a noise, make an impression, make a request, make a guess at, make a fool, make a hue and cry.
  • (d) Have a good / short sleep, have a good / bad education, have a meal, have a smoke, have a liking / taste, have a drink, have an advantage, have a talk / rest / cough / pain fever headache.
  • (e) Take a fancy to, take an interest in, take a meal, take a rest, take a vacation.
  • (f) give a chance, give a jump, give a warning, give an advantage over.
  • (g) As a rule, As a matter of fact, at a stone's throw, at a discount, a short while ago, at a loss, a matter of chance. It is a shame/surprise/pity/wonder, tell a lie, pay a visit, half a kilo, keep a secret, catch a cold/catch cold.
  • (h) A lot of, A good deal of, A great deal of, A large amount of, A large quantity of, A good many, A great many, A large number of, A great number of, A large quantity of etc.

Note: सामान्यत: 'A/An' का प्रयोग Uncountable Nouns, Plural Countable Nouns तथा किसी अकेला Adjective (बिना Noun) के पहले नहीं किया जाता है।
Ex -
  • A gold is a costly metal.   (✖)
  • Gold is a costly metal.   (✔)
  • People drink a water.   (✖)
  • People drink water.   (✔)
  • A children are naughty.   (✖)
  • Children are naughty.   (✔)
  • A cows give us milk.   (✖)
  • Cows give us milk.   (✔)
  • She is an intelligent.   (✖)
  • She is intelligent.   (✔)
  • Jaya is a naughty.   (✖)
  • Jaya is naughty.   (✔)

Uses of Definite Article 'The' in Hindi

1. Noun को Definite या Certain (निश्चित) बनाने के लिए Definite Article का प्रयोग होता है।

  • A water is dirty. (✖)
  • The water is dirty. (✖)
लेकिन - The water of this well is dirty. (✔)

इसी प्रकार,
  • I bought a gold. (✖)
  • I bought the gold. (✖)
लेकिन - This is the gold I have bought. (✔)

The का प्रयोग पूर्व निर्धारित वस्तु या व्यक्ति के पहले किया जाता है।
  • Open window.   (✖)
  • Open the window.   (✔)
  • Did they post letter?   (✖)
  • Did they post the letter?   (✔)
  • Sit in bus.   (✖)
  • Sit in the bus.   (✔)
  • Stand up on bench.   (✖)
  • Stand up on the bench.   (✔)

दूसरे शब्दों में हम कह सकते हैं कि 'The' का प्रयोग 'you know which thing/person' का अर्थ बतलाने के लिए किया जाता है। जैसा कि ऊपर के गलत-सही वाक्यों से स्पष्ट है।

2. Singular Countable Noun के पहले पूरी जाति विशेष की विशेषता बतलाने के लिए भी 'The' का प्रयोग किया जाता है।
  • The dog is a faithful animal.   (✔)
  • The tiger is a fierce animal.   (✔)
  • The child is naughty.   (✔)
  • The cow is a useful animal.   (✔)

3. 'The' का प्रयोग दर/माप/हिसाब बतलाने के लिए किया जाता है।
  • Oil is sold by the liter.   (✔)
  • Sugar is sold by the kilo.   (✔)
  • Cloth is sold by the meter.   (✔)

4. 'The' का प्रयोग Musical Instruments (वाद्य यंत्रों) के नाम के पहले किया जाता है।
  • Dhananjay wants to play on the harmonium.   (✔)
  • I can play the guitar.   (✔)
  • Juhi plays the tabla every morning.   (✔)

5. किसी आविष्कार (Invention) के नाम के पहले 'The' का प्रयोग किया जाता है।
  • Who invented the telescope/Telephone?   (✔)
इसी तरह,
  • The television (The T. V.). The cinema, The radio, The wireless etc. का प्रयोग होता है ।
  • listen to radio.   (✖)
  • listen to the radio.   (✔)
  • on the radio.   (✔)
  • watch/on the Television/The T. V.   (✖)
  • watch/on Television/T.V.   (✔)

6. व्यक्ति के पद के पहले 'The' का प्रयोग किया जाता है।
Ex -
  • The S. P. has come.   (✔)
  • This decision was taken by the chief minister.   (✔)
  • The chairman will decide the matter.   (✔)
  • The meeting was Preceded over the Executive Director.   (✔)

7. शरीर के अंगों (Parts of the body) के नामों के पहले 'The' का प्रयोग किया जाता है।
  • The police hit him on the head.   (✔)
  • The criminal was shot in the leg.   (✔)
  • She caught the child by the ear/the hand. But,   (✔)
  • at hand/on foot/in hand.   (✔)
  • Man has a head, a nose and a mouth.   (✔)

8. जब किसी Singular Countable Noun (Common Noun) का प्रयोग Abstract Noun के अर्थ में किया जाता है, तो उसके पहले 'The' का प्रयोग किया जाता है।
अर्थात्, जब कोई Noun किसी गुण या भाव को व्यक्त करता है तो उसके पहले 'The' का प्रयोग किया जाता है।
  • The judge in him.   (✔)
  • The doctor in him.   (✔)
  • The mother in her.   (✔)
  • The singer in Alok.   (✔)
  • The teacher in me.   (✔)

9. Superlative Degree के पहले 'The' का प्रयोग किया जाता है।
  • Babita is the best student of the class.
  • Ankita is the most beautiful girl in her family.
  • She is the tallest girl in the class.
  • Sachin is the best player of the team.

परन्तु, 'most' का प्रयोग 'very' के अर्थ में हो, तो उसके पहले 'the' की जगह 'a' का प्रयोग किया जाता है।
  • She is a most beautiful girl.   (✔)
  • This is a most useful reference book.   (✔)

पुनः जब 'most' का प्रयोग 'अधिकांश' के अर्थ में किया गया हो, तो उसके पहले Article का प्रयोग नहीं किया जाता है।
  • The most birds can fly. (✖)
  • Most birds can fly. (✔)
  • The most of the students of the institute 'SUCCESS POINT' care laborious. (✖)
  • Most of the students...... (✔)

10. 'The' का प्रयोग Comparative Degree के पहले भी किया जाता है, जब Selection का बोध हो।
  • She is the stronger of the two girls. (✔)
  • This is the better of the two books. (✔)
  • Anish is the more handsome of the two boys. (✔)

11.Comparative Degree का प्रयोग जब Adverb के रूप में किया जाता है, तो उसके पहले 'The' का प्रयोग किया जाता है।
  • The higher you go, the cooler you feel. (✔)
  • The more you get, the more you want. (✔)
  • The greater the risk, the higher the profit. (✔)
He is better singer than you. (✖)
He is the better singer than you. (✖)
He is a better singer than you. (✔)
This is older temple than that. (✖)
This is an older temple than that. (✔)

12. 'The' का प्रयोग Unique वस्तुओं के पहले किया जाता है।
  • The Earth, The Sun, The Stars, The Universe, The World, The Moon, The equator etc.

13. 'The' का प्रयोग Ordinal Adjectives (क्रमवाचक विशेषण) के पहले किया जाता है।
  • The next bus, the first president of India, the second page, the last page, the third floor etc.
  • Dr. shahid is the first person to arrive in the meeting.
  • The first chapter of this book is very difficult.

परन्तु जब 'next/'last' का प्रयोग Sunday, Monday, January, February, week, month, year etc. किया गया हो, तो 'The' का प्रयोग नहीं किया जाता है।
Ex -
  • Soni and Moni came here the last week. (✖)
  • Soni and Moni came here last week. (✔)
  • I met Suman the last Tuesday. (✖)
  • I met Suman last Tuesday. (✔)
  • Sudhir and his associates will go to Jammu the next month. (✖)
  • " " " " " " " " next month (✔)
  • at first (✔)
  • at the first (✖)
  • at last (✔)
  • at the last (✖)

14. Most of, some of, both of, half of, none of, all of, either of, neither of etc. के बाद आने वाले Noun के पहले 'The' का प्रयोग किया जाता है।
  • All of players have come. (✖)
  • All of the players have come. (✔)
  • Most of money was spent. (✖)
  • Most of the money was spent. (✔)
  • Either of boys is able to do the sum. (✖)
  • Either of the boys is able to do the sum. (✔)
  • Neither of girls is ready. (✖)
  • Neither of the girls is ready. (✔)

15. किसी Proper Noun के बाद जब कोई Adjective उसी Noun को Qualify करते हुए लगाया गया हो, तो उस Adjective के पहले 'The' का प्रयोग किया जाता है।
  • Napoleon, the warrior. (✔)
  • Ashoka, the great. (✔)

16. 'The' का प्रयोग व्यक्तियों के वर्ग या जाति बतलाने के लिए किसी Adjective के पहले किया जाता है।
The poor, the rich, the young, the old, the deaf, the lame, the dumb, the honest, the dishonest etc.

The old = old people

17. 'The' का प्रयोग Comparison बतलाने के लिए 'same' के पहले किया जाता है।
  • These pens are the same as we saw in that shop.
  • Your book is the same as mine.

18. 'The' का प्रयोग निम्नलिखित Idiomatic प्रयोग में भी किया जाता है।
  • all the way, by the way, speak the truth, the whole, on the whole, in the nick of time, all the time, in the right, in the wrong, for the time being, turn to the left the right, go to the stage/bus stop/ airport/ cinema/theatre/circus/zoo/library/museum, etc.
  • What is the matter/situation/trouble/problem?

19. सामान्यतया Proper Noun के पहले 'The' का प्रयोग नहीं किया जाता है।
Ex -
  • The Deepak has come. (✖)
  • Deepak has come. (✔)
  • I live in the Patna. (✖)
  • I live in Patna. (✔)

परन्तु निम्नलिखित इसके अपवाद हैं-

(i) किसी नदी (River), सागर ( Sea), महासागर (Ocean), खाड़ी (Bay), गल्फ (Gulf, नहर (Canal) आदि के नाम के पहले 'The' का प्रयोग किया जाता है।
  • River : The Ganges/The Ganga, The Koshi, The Krishna, The Brahmaputra, The sone etc.
  • Sea : The Red sea, The Mediterranean sea, The Arabian sea etc.
  • Ocean! : The Atlantic ocean, The Pacific ocean, etc.
  • Bay : The Bay of Bengal, The Bay of Biscay, etc.
  • Gulf : The Gulf of Mexico.
  • Canal : The Panama Canal, The Suez Canal, etc.

(ii) पर्वत श्रृंखलाओं (Mountain ranges) तथा द्वीप समूहों (Groups of islands) के पहले 'The' का प्रयोग किया जाता है।
  • Mountain Ranges: The Alps, The Himalayas, The Eastern Ghats etc.
  • Groups of Island: The West Indies, The Nicobar, The Andaman, The Philippines etc.
परन्तु किसी पर्वत चोटी (Mountain peak) तथा अकेला द्वीप (Individual (island) के नाम के पहले 'Article' का प्रयोग नहीं किया जाता है।
  • Mountain peak : Kangchenjunga, Mount Abu, Parasnath, Mount Everest, Nanda Devi, Dhaulagiri etc.
  • Individual Island: Sicily, Ceylon, Java, Sumatra etc.

(iii) किसी रेगिस्तान (Desert), रेलगाड़ी (Train), हवाई जहाज (Aeroplane), समुद्री जहाज (ship) आदि के नाम के पहले 'The' का प्रयोग किया जाता है।
  • Desert : The Desert of Sahara/The Sahara Desert
  • Train : The Himgiri Express, The Magadh Express, The Pun- jab Mail, The Intercity etc.
  • Aeroplane: The Kashmir Princess, The Boeing etc.
  • Ship : The Vikrant, The Victoria, The Queen Mary etc.

(iv) नागरिकता-सूचक शब्दों (Nationality words), भौतिक स्थान (Physical position), भौगोलिक दिशाओं (Geographical Directions), भौतिक वातावरण (Physical Environment) आदि बतलाने वाले शब्दों के पहले 'The' का प्रयोग किया जाता है।
  • Nationality words : The French, The English, The Indians etc.
  • Physical position - : on/at the top of, at the bottom of, the outer of, the front of, the bank of etc.
  • Geographical Direction : The east, The west, The south, The North etc.
  • Physical Environment: The rain, The fog, The wind, The weather, The seaside, The sunshine, The unique etc.

(v) किसी राजनीतिक दल (Political Party), धार्मिक सम्प्रदाय (Religious Community), धार्मिक ग्रंथ (Religious Book), शस्त्र सेनाओं (Armed Forces), सरकार की शाखाओं (Government Branches), होटल तथा रेस्टुरेन्ट (Hotel & Restaurant), अजायबघर (Museum), पुस्तकालय (Library), अखबार (Newspaper) आदि के नामों के पहले भी 'The' का प्रयोग किया जाता है।
  • Political Party : The Bhartiya Janta Party, The Congress Party, The Rastriya Janta Dal etc.
  • Religious Community : The Hindus, The Sikhs, The Muslims, The Christians etc.
  • Religious Book : The Geeta, The Mahabharata, The Ramayana, The Quran, The Holy Bible, The Iliad etc.
  • Armed forces : The Police, The Army, The Navy, The Air Force etc.
  • Government Branches : The Executive, The Legislative, The Judiciary etc.
  • Hotel & Restaurant : The Maurya, The Grand Hotel, The Suraj, The Samrat International, The Taj Hotel etc.
  • Theatre/Club : The Apsara, The Lions Club etc.
  • Museum & Library : The British Museum, The British Library etc.
  • Newspapers The Hindustan Times, The Indian Express, The New York Times, The Times of India etc.

(vi) किसी ऐतिहासिक इमारत (Historical Building), वंश (Dynasty), साम्राज्य (Empire), ऐतिहासिक अवधि/काल (Historical Period/Age), ऐतिहासिक घटना (Historical Event) आदि के नाम के पहले 'The' का प्रयोग किया जाता है।
  • Historical Buildings : The Qutub Minar, The Red Fort, The Taj Mahal, The Char Minar etc.
  • Dynasty : The Slave Dynasty, The Mauryan Dynasty, The Gupta Dynasty etc.
  • Empire : The Roman Empire, The Mughal Empire etc.
  • Historical Periods/Age : The Victorian Period, The Victorian Age, The Elizabethan Age etc.
  • Historical Events : The French Revolution, The Russian Revolution, The Battle of Panipat, The Quit India Movement etc.
Note: अनेक महत्त्वपूर्ण Buildings तथा Institutions के नाम दो शब्दों से मिलकर बने होते हैं, जिनमें से एक शब्द किसी व्यक्ति अथवा स्थान का नाम होता है। ऐसे नामों के पहले 'The' का प्रयोग नहीं होता है।
देखिए -
  • Victoria Station, London Zoo, Delhi Airport, Indira Gandhi Airport, Jaipur Palace, Jai singh Palace etc.

Articles A तथा An में अंतर

'A' का प्रयोग Consonant Sound से शुरू होने वाले शब्दों के पहले होता है।
  • A table, a pen, a boy, a university, a uniform, a one-eyed man, a B.A.
यहाँ टेबल में 'ट', पेन में 'प', ब्वॉय में 'ब' यूनिवर्सिटी में 'य', यूनिफार्म में 'य', वन आईड-मैन में 'व', बी. ए. में 'ब' Consonant Sound है।
  • an European (✖)
  • an union (✖)
  • an one-rupee note (✖)
सही होगा-
  • a European (✔)
  • a Union (✔)
  • a one-rupee note (✔)

An का प्रयोग Vowel Sound से शुरू होने वाले शब्दों के पहले होता है।
  • An orange, an elephant, an apple, an hour, an honest boy, an M.A.
यहाँ औरेंज में 'अ', एलिफेंट में 'ए', एप्पल में 'ए', आवर में 'अ', ऑनेस्ट में 'अ', एम. ए. में 'ए' Vowel Sound है।
  • a hour (✖)
  • a M.A. (✖)
  • a honourable man (✖)
सही होगा-
  • an hour (✔)
  • an M.A. (✔)
  • an honourable man (✔)
याद रखें:-
  • Vowel Sound (स्वर ध्वनि) अ, आ, इ, ई, ............
  • Consonant Sound (व्यंजन ध्वनि) क, ख, ग, ...........

Position Of Articles In Different Structures

(i) Article + Noun
  • There is a cat.
  • I have an axe.
  • The child is playing.
  • I have read a story.
  • The hat is red.
  • He eats an apple a day.

(ii) Article + Adjective + Noun
  • Mr. Sinha is an honest teacher.
  • There is a new pen on the table.
  • He is the best student of the class.
  • Ankita has an oily tongue.
  • Tendulkar is the best player in the team.

(iii) Article + Adverb + Adjective + Noun
  • Neha is a very beautiful girl.
  • Babita is a fairly tall lady.
  • I have seen an extremely beautiful lady.
  • She is really the very best student.
  • There is an entirely different situation over there.

(iv) So/Too/As/How + Adjective + A/An + SCN
  • So skilled a worker/so good an idea.
  • So mad a dog/so popular a player.
  • So clever a child/so important an idea.
  • too weak a child/too big a bag.
  • too sharp a knife/too bad an idea.
  • as tall a girl/as experienced a doctor.
  • as ugly a woman/as experienced an engineer.
  • as dull a student/as right an approach.
  • how tall a girl/how short a man.

(v) Such/what+ A/An + SCN
Such/What + A/An + Adjective + SCN
  • Such an idea! / such a man!
  • What an idea! What a fool!
  • Such a good idea! / Such a tall man.
  • What a good idea! / What a big fool!

(vi) Many + A/An + SCN
Many + A/An + Adjective + SCN
  • Many a pen/Many an actress.
  • Many a useful pen/Many an ideal actress.
  • Many a novel/Many an interesting novel.

(vii) Both/All + the + Noun
Both + All + the + Adjective + Noun
  • All the students : All the laborious students.
  • All the players : All the best players.
  • Both the ministers : Both the doctors.
  • Both the corrupt ministers.

(viii) Rather + A/An + SCN
A + Rather + Adjective + SCN
Rather + A/An + Adjective + SCN
  • It is rather a horror.
  • The institute 'SUCCESS POINT has given a rather surprising result.(✔)
  • The institute 'SUCCESS POINT has given rather a surprising result. (✔)
  • It is a rather complicated problem.  (✔)
  • It is rather a complicated problem. (✔)

(ix) Quite + A/An + Adjective + Noun
It is quite a long distance. (✔)
It is quite a dark night.

Omission of Article

वे स्थितियाँ जहाँ Articles का प्रयोग नहीं किया जाता है, निम्नलिखित हैं:-

1. किसी भाषा (Language), रंग (Colour) तथा विषय (Subject) के पहले Article का प्रयोग नहीं किया जाता है ।
Ex -
  • I can speak English and Hindi both.
  • Anish wants to learn Urdu and Bengali.
  • She has no interest in Physics.
  • He is a teacher of English.
  • He is good at Mathematics.

2. किसी बीमारी (Disease) के नाम के पहले सामान्यतया Article का प्रयोग नहीं किया जाता है।
  • She is suffering from fever/malaria/anaemia/cancer/typhoid/ cholera etc.
  • He died of diabetes/consumption.
लेकिन निम्नलिखित बीमारियों के नाम के पहले the का प्रयोग किया भी जा सकता है ।
  • (the) Plague, (the) measles, (the) mumps.

3. दिनों (Days), महीनों (Months), त्योहारों (Festivals) के नामों के पहले Article का प्रयोग नहीं किया जाता है। 
  • He came on Monday.
  • She will go to Mumbai in March.
  • She returned from Mumbai in Diwali.
  • Sujeet will come to me on Tuesday. (✔)
  • Sujeet will come to me on a Tuesday. (✔)
  • Sujeet will come to me on the second Tuesday of this month. (✔)

4. जब Common Noun का प्रयोग व्यापक अर्थ/ विस्तृत अर्थ (Widest sense) में किया जाता है, तो उसके पहले Article का प्रयोग नहीं किया जाता है।
  • Man is an intelligent/a social animal.
  • Woman is another name of sacrifice.
  • Cows eat grass.
  • Fish lives in water.
  • Life is not a bed of roses.
  • Birds fly.

5. द्रव्यवाचक संज्ञा (Material Noun) तथा भाववाचक संज्ञा (Abstract (Noun) के पहले Article का प्रयोग नहीं किया जाता है।
  • We drink water.
  • One can not live without air.
  • Gold is a costly metal.
  • Honesty is the best policy.
  • Virtue has its own reward.
परन्तु जब इन Nouns को Definite करना होता है तो इनके पहले The' का प्रयोग किया जाता है।
  • The gold of Alok's ring is not pure.
  • Where is the milk Suman has bought?
  • We should appreciate the honesty of Chandan.

6. सामान्यतया Proper Noun के पहले Article का प्रयोग नहीं किया जाता है। लेकिन यदि Proper Noun का प्रयोग एक Common Noun की तरह किया जाता है, तो उसके पहले Article का प्रयोग किया जाता है।
  • Akbar was a great king.
  • Mumbai is a beautiful city.
  • She lives in Agra.
  • He is a Shakespeare. (✔)
(a dramatist like Shakespeare)

  • They are Shakespeare. (✔)
(dramatists like Shakespeare)

  • Kashmir is the Switzerland of Asia. (✔)
  • Juhi is the Lata of Bihar. (✔)
  • Kalidas was the Shakespeare of India. (✔)
  • Suman is the Sachin of our team. (✔)

7. किसी खेल (game & sports) के नाम के पहले Article का प्रयोग नहीं किया जाता है।
  • We like a Cricket.
  • I used to play a football.
  • She play the tennis.

8. निम्नलिखित Phrases के बाद आने वाले Nouns के पहले Article का प्रयोग नहीं किया जाता है।
Title of, Post of, Rank of
  • She was given the job of an assistant.
  • Akshay has been promoted to the rank of the B. D. O.
  • He accepted the post of a principal.
  • She was given the title of a queen.

9. Appoint, Made, Nominate, Electra and Noun Article का प्रयोग नहीं किया जाता है।
  • He was elected an MP.
  • They made him a monitor.
  • He was appointed an engineer.
  • He was nominated the secretary.

10. कुछ Nouns के पहले Article का प्रयोग उस स्थिति में नहीं किया जाता है, जब वहाँ जाने का उद्देश्य वही हो, जिसके लिए इसका निर्माण किया गया है। वैसे Nouns निम्नलिखित हैं।
  • School, College, University, Bed, Church, Temple, Mosque, Court, Jail, Prison, Market, Hospital.
  • Children go to the school at 10 A. M.
(for the purpose of study)

  • She goes to the temple at 5 P. M.
(for the purpose of prayer)

  • I went to the market to purchase a T. V.
(to purchase)

  • I usually go to the bed at 11 A. M.
(to sleep)

  • The criminal was sent to the jail.
(for punishment)

  • The injured persons were sent to the hospital.
(for treatment)

परन्तु यदि इन स्थानों पर जाने का उद्देश्य कोई दूसरा हो, तो इनके पहले "The का प्रयोग किया जाता है।
  • The college is near SUCCESS POINT. (✔)
  • I found her near the church. (✔)
  • I sat on the bed. (✔)
  • I went to the school to meet the class teacher. (✔)
पुनः देखिए-
  • There is a school over there. (✔)
  • He founded a hospital. (✔)
  • This is the college in which I read. (✔)

11. भोजन (खाने) के नामों (Names of meals) के पहले सामान्यतया Article का प्रयोग नहीं किया जाता है।
  • I had a lunch at 2 P. M.
  • She couldn't have the breakfast today.
परन्तु यदि इनके पहले कोई Adjective का प्रयोग किया गया हो, तो उसके पहले 'A/An' का प्रयोग किया जाता है और यदि इसे Particularised किया गया हो, तो उसके पहले 'The' का प्रयोग किया जाता है।
  • They arranged a nice dinner yesterday. (✔)
  • They gave us a good lunch. (✔)
  • We had a delicious breakfast yesterday morning. (✔)
पुनः देखिए-
  • The dinner hosted by Sanjeev was superb. (✔)
  • The breakfast (which we had) was good. (✔)
  • The dinner was well cooked yesterday. (✔)

12. यदि दिन और रात के हिस्सों (Parts of the day and night) के पहले 'at, before, after, by का प्रयोग किया गया हो, तो उनके पहले Article का प्रयोग नहीं किया जाता है।
  • Parts of the Day & Night dawn, daybreak, sunrise, noon, evening, dusk, twilight, night, midnight.
  • They came to me at the night.
  • The students met me before the evening.
  • I met him at the dawn.
  • She will come here by the night.

13. जब यातायात के साधन (Means of Communication/Transportation) के पहले Preposition by' का प्रयोग किया गया हो, तो इनके पहले Article का प्रयोग नहीं किया जाता है।
  • She left for Mumbai by an aeroplane.
  • I went there-by a car.
  • Navneet has never travelled by a bus
  • He has bought a car. (✔)
  • The car which you have bought is new. (✔)
  • She is sitting in the car. (✔)
  • I went there to catch a/the bus. (✔)

14. निम्नलिखित Expressions में Article का प्रयोग नहीं किया जाता है-
  1. man to man, arm in arm, from hand to mouth, from door to door, from top to bottom, day after day, day by day. hand in hand, from dawn to dusk, from east to west. from beginning to end.
  2. On strike/sale/leave/foot/fire/duty/demand.
  3. by chance/mistake/post/change/road/accident.
  4. at hand/work/fault/first/last/light/leisure.
  5. in time, in detail, in life, in trouble, in debt, in haste.

Some Important Points To Remember

1. In good condition अथवा In bad condition के साथ a का प्रयोग नहीं किया जाता है, जबकि In good state अथवा In bad state के साथ a का प्रयोग किया जाता है।
  • My shoes were in good condition. The novels of your shop/ stall were in a bad/good state.

2. Health, homework, work, paper (कागज), mercy, pity, news, pay, safety, soap, travel, weather Uncountable Nouns आते हैं। अतः इनके पहले a/an का प्रयोग कभी नहीं किया जाता है।
जबकि answer, boat, salary, journey, climate, paper (समाचार पत्र) holiday, hour, lesson, morning, historian, rest, city Countable Nouns के अंतर्गत आते हैं। अतः इनके पहले a/an का प्रयोग किया जाता है।
  • Rajesh wants to become a historian.
  • They got into a boat.
  • I must give an answer to the question.
  • You should take (have) a rest for an hour.
  • Everybody needs a holiday.
  • Deepak went out on such a cold morning.
  • It was bad weather.
  • It was a bad climate.
  • Everyone likes a comfortable journey.
  • Everyone likes comfortable travel.
  • Your father gets a good salary.
  • Your brother gets good pay.
  • Deepak is in good health now.

3. अगर किसी Noun से किसी definite (निश्चित) वस्तु का बोध होता है, तो उसके पहले 'the' का प्रयोग किया जाता है।
  • Rajesh has taken the habit of playing outdoor games.
  • I have a dog and the dog is black.
  • Sheela hit him on the nose.
  • The sky/sea is blue.

4. Play/learn/like verb के वाद यदि कोई  musical instrument आये, तो उसके पहले the का प्रयोग किया जाता है।
  • I play the harmonium.
  • Rakesh learns the piano.
  • They like the harmonium.

5. Superlative Degree Adjective के पहले the का प्रयोग होता है।
  • He is the tallest boy here,

6. अंग्रेजी में कुछ ऐसे adjectives हैं, जिनके पहले हमेशा the का प्रयोग किया जाता है तथा उन शब्दों का अर्थ Plural होता है।
  • The dead (dead people/all dead people)
  • The deaf, the blind, the sick, the poor, the old, the rich, the unemployed, the handicapped, the mentally ill etc.

7. Mankind/nature / society / man etc. का प्रयोग जब general/ widest अर्थ में होता है, तो उसके पहले article नहीं लगाया जाता है।
  • Man is mortal.
  • Everyone has to earn to live in society.
  • We went to Kashmir and enjoyed the beauty of nature there.
  • All mankind should be happy.

8. The post/job/rank/position + of के बाद आने वाले noun के पहले कोई article नहीं लगाया जाता है।
  • Anuj was given the post of director.
  • Rajesh accepted the job of headmaster.
  • Md. Azharuddin has the rank of captain.

9. नदियों के नाम के पहले, शरीर के अंग (Parts of the body) जैसे-body. arms, legs, back, muscles etc. के पहले the का प्रयोग किया जाता है।
  • The Ganges/Nile is a holy/fine river.
  • Sports make the body strong.
  • Games make the arms strong, while boxing makes the back strong.

10. Games के नाम, जैसे- cricket, tennis, football, hockey आदि के पहले article नहीं लगाया जाता है।
  • Will you play cricket?
  • Do you like tennis?
  • Have you ever played football in your student life?

11. Go to the cinema/theatre/pictures/office/circus fere safe, He is at office.
जबकि He is at work. लिखा जाता है।
  • He went to the theatre.
  • Do you like to go to the pictures?
  • His wife went to the movies.
  • His father went to the office at ten.

12. Before / after / at- sunrise या sunset के साथ the का प्रयोग नहीं किया जाता है।

13. festivals (त्योहारों) के नाम के पहले the का प्रयोग नहीं किया जाता है।
  • Diwali is a happy festival.
  • Holi falls in March.
  • He and his sister came here at Christmas.

14. Armed Forces के नाम के पहले the लगाया जाता है।
  • My brother retired from the Air Force.
  • He joined the Navy.
  • Mr. Raju is in the Army.

15. Home तथा किसी Subject के पहले Article का प्रयोग नहीं किया जाता है -
  • We reached home.
  • Rajesh returned from home.
  • He failed in Physics.
  • He is bad at Economics.
  • He is good at History.

16. जब पढ़ने / पढ़ाने के लिए स्कूल या college जाया जाता है, तो उसके पहले the का प्रयोग नहीं होता है।
  • He goes to school everyday.
  • My father goes to college everyday.

17. जब किसी Plural noun का प्रयोग किसी खास अर्थ (Particular sense) में किया जाता है, तो उसके पहले the का प्रयोग किया जाता है।
  • The books/combs that you gave me are very fine/black.

परन्तु जब Plural nouns का प्रयोग general अर्थ में किया जाता है, तो उसके पहले article का प्रयोग नहीं किया जाता है।
  • Cars are made in China.
  • Boys like sweets and butter.

18. Names of meals के पहले article का प्रयोग नहीं किया जाता है। परन्तु कोई special meal हो या name of the meal के पहले कोई adjective हो, तो article का प्रयोग किया जाता है।
  • He invited me to lunch.
  • They had breakfast last night.
  • They were invited to dinner.
  • I was invited to a dinner given to welcome the minister.
  • Rajesh gave us a good breakfast.

19. Telephone एक Countable noun है, किन्तु by telephone एक idiom है। इसके साथ का प्रयोग नहीं किया जाता है, जबकि Radio तथा wireless (meaning the system of broadcasting) के पहले the का प्रयोग किया जाता है।
  • Does Ram ever listen to the wireless?
  • My father-in-law talked to me by telephone.
  • We hear songs on the radio in the morning.

20. In the morning/afternoon/evening/night का प्रयोग किया जाता है।
देखिए -
  • They do their work in the morning.
  • The farmer rests in the afternoon.
  • The children play in the evening.
परन्तु by day, by night, on foot, at night का प्रयोग किया जाता है। इन शब्दों के साथ article का प्रयोग नहीं किया जाता है।
  • The sun shines by day and not by night.
  • He came here on foot.
  • She went to her house at night.

21. 'रोजगार' के अर्थ में employment Uncountable Noun है, अतः इसके पहले a/an का प्रयोग नहीं किया जाता है। परन्तु job एक Countable noun है और इसके पहले का प्रयोग किया जाता है।
  • He is in search of a job.
  • He is seeking employment.

22. U.S.A, U.K., U.S.S.R. के पहले the का प्रयोग किया जाता है ।
  • He went to the U.S.A.
  • She came from the U.S.S.R.

Some Hot Tips For Article in Hindi

1. Type of / Kind of / Sort of के बाद प्रयुक्त Noun के पहले Article का प्रयोग नहीं होता है।
  • I don't like this type of a man. (✖)
  • I don't like this type of man. (✔)
  • What sort of a book do you want? (✖)
  • What sort of book do you want? (✔)

2. Appoint, elect, declare, crown made वाले Nouns के पहले Article का प्रयोग नहीं होता है।
  • They elected him a captain. (✖)
  • They elected him captain. (✔)
  • We made him a captain. (✖)
  • We made him captain. (✔)
इसी प्रकार,
  • I was appointed a teacher. (✖)
  • I was appointed teacher. (✔)

3. Most of/one of/the number of rarer Noun के पहले The का प्रयोग होता है।
  • Most of boys have passed. (✖)
  • Most of the boys have passed. (✔)
  • One of students has done his work. (✖)
  • One of the students has done his work. (✔)
इसी प्रकार
  • The number of girls is beautiful. (✖)
  • The number of the girls is beautiful. (✔)

4. एक ही Noun के लिए दो Articles का प्रयोग नहीं होता है। इस स्थिति में सिर्फ पहले वाले Noun के साथ Article का प्रयोग होता है।
  • Mahatma Gandhi was a great scholar and a poet. (✖)
  • Mahatma Gandhi was a great scholar and poet. (✔)
  • The P.M. and the chairman of Yojana Aayog has come. (✖)
  • The P.M. and chairman of Yojana Aayog has come. (✔)
इसी प्रकार,
  • Ram is a singer and a dancer. (✖)
  • Ram is a singer and dancer. (✔)

5. The post of, the rank of, the position of, the title of बाद प्रयुक्त होने वाले Noun के पहले Article का प्रयोग नहीं होता है।
  • Ram was given the post of a poem. (✖)
  • Ram was given the post of poem. (✔)
  • Sohan was degraded to the rank of the clerk. (✖)
  • Sohan was degraded to the rank of clerk. (✔)

6. निम्नलिखित Idioms के साथ Article का प्रयोग नहीं होता है-
  • In good condition, in temper, in rage, in detail, in final, in brief, in conclusion, in trouble, on demand, on earth, on foot, by car/bus, at night, all day, all night, in fact, for leave, on strike, for payment, in confusion etc.
  • He is in a good condition. (✖)
  • He is in good condition. (✔)
  • The workers are on the strike. (✖)
  • The workers are on strike. (✔)
In a good state या In a bad state सही होता है।

Articles Exercises

Fill in the blanks with appropriate Articles.
  1. He looks as stupid as .................. owl.
  2. I bought, ..... ox and ........... buffalo.
  3. The guide knows ........ way.
  4. Honest men speak ............. truth.
  5. Copper is................ useful metal.
  6. He is............... honour to his country.
  7. The children found ......... egg in the nest.
  8. English is................ easy language.
  9. ................ sun shines brightly.
  10. French is............. language of .......... people of England.
  11. Rohit is .......... untidy boy.
  12. I have come without .......... umbrella.
  13. ................. lion is............... king of beasts.
  14. Ceylon ................. island.
  15. India is............... home of the tiger.
  16. I suppose he has............... home.
  17. .....................India of today differs from ......... India of yesterday.
  18. He is not..... Mr. A.K. Verma whom you know.
  19. ............ Apple cart is.............. historical novel.
  20. ...... boy met .................... man with ................ elephant and boy saw........... man feed.................. elephant.
  21. .................traveller followed .............path through. forest and came to bridge over............... river. He crossed............... bridge over.................. river and was glad to leave................. path through.................. forest behind him.
  22. ........... one eyed man was standing at the gate.
  23. Mr. Gupta is............... M.P.
  24. Mr. Munna Shukla is ......... M.L.A.
  25. .......... man is............... intelligent creature.
  26. Mohan is ............ honest boy.
  27. He will return after............... hour.

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